
Welcome to Altamont's news page, bringing you new posts of our news.

Jan 4th and 6th  - Altamont set to record and mix a three track demo at 199 studios.

Dec. 5th - Altamont books two gigs at El Mocambo, Jan. 14th and Feb. 18th, be sure to buy tickets!!!

Nov. 18th - Altamont plays at The Reverb/Holy Joe's

Oct. 21st - Altamont plays at El Mocambo

Sept. 16th - Altamont plays at El Mocambo (First Show as full band)

Aug. 28th and 29th .. I think - Altamont records at a small studio "for the first time"

Jun. 28th? - Which ever the Westminster Talent Show's date was, Altamont played it!

Jun. 18th - Altamont was set to play at The Reverb/Holy Joe's, but had to pull out due to certain reasons.

Late May? - Altamont is formed

© 2005 Altamont | Design by Andreas Viklund